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Betilde Romero De Nunez
September 30, 1939 - April 14, 2016
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<div itemprop="description">Hoy nuestra querida Betilde dej&oacute; su cuerpo para comenzar una nueva vida junto a Dios, inagotable, feliz y libre de sufrimiento. Su esposo Oswaldo, sus hijos Gustavo, Ricardo, Marianela, Andreina y Bettina, sus nietos N&uacute;&ntilde;ez - Ortega, Nu&ntilde;ez - Colina, Saputelli-N&uacute;&ntilde;ez, Roche - N&uacute;&ntilde;ez y Rinc&oacute;n - N&uacute;&ntilde;ez, su yerno Bernardo, y sus nueras Blanca y Paola, sus hermanos Rafael, Betulia, Benilda y Guillermo, sus sobrinos y cu&ntilde;ados Mar&iacute;a, Manuel, Alvaro e Isabel, nos unimos para celebrar la valent&iacute;a, el amor y la Fe que ella nos ense&ntilde;&oacute; en su caminar con nosotros. <br />Hoy la extra&ntilde;amos y lloramos su ausencia, pero estamos satisfechos por el tiempo que compartimos junto a ella y mantenemos despierta la esperanza de reencontrarnos. <br /> <br />Today our beloved Betilde has left her body to begin a new life with God, endless, happy and free of sorrow. Her husband Oswaldo, her children Gustavo, Ricardo, Marianela, Andreina and Bettina, her grand children Nunez-Ortega, Nunez-Colina, Saputelli-Nunez, Roche-Nunez and Rincon-Nunez, her son in law Bernardo, her daughters in law Blanca and Paola, her siblings Rafael, Betulia, Guillermo and Benilda, her nieces and nephews, her brothers and sister in law Maria, Manuel, Alvaro and Isabel will join us to celebrate the courage, love and faith she taught us during her life with us. <br />Today we miss her and cry her absence, but we are grateful for the time we shared together and we are hopeful that we will meet again. <br /> <br /> <br />Please take a moment to send a condolence to the family or share a memory of Betilde through the guestbook. <br /> <br />As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made to the Ian Anderson house in memory of Betilde.</div>