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Ian Henrey (Pervez)
January 8, 1992 - April 22, 2016
Ian was born on January 8th 1992 in Karachi Pakistan. He was the second child and oldest son born to Pervez Pervez and Nasreen Pervez. Ian spent his childhood in Karachi attending Nasera school. The family migrated to Canada in April of 2006. Ian graduated Pauline Vanier in 2006 and went on to graduate from St. Augustine secondary school in 2010. He decided to continue his education by enrolling into Electro-mechanical Engineering: Automation and Robotics at Humber college.
While continuing his education, Ian held numerous part-time positions that included Fuji films, The Watch Station, and finally Air Canada as a ramp agent.
In addition to his part-time jobs Ian was a very active member of his community. For the past decade, he spent his time volunteering at Cornerstone Asian Church. These volunteer activities involved ensuring that all the members had a ride to and from church, assisting in the sound system set up and take down, washing dishes, making tea and cleaning the church every single Sunday that he attended. He often decided to take the tasks least desired.
As the eldest son, Ian was a very obedient child and never turned down what his parents requested of him. He was his father’s right hand and was considered the family advisor.
As a brother he felt responsible for the well being of all his siblings. He often behaved as the chauffeur, the bank and guardian.
He was a loyal and loving friend to many people. From toddlers to the elders, his friendships were genuine and full of happiness.
Ian was a joyful person who loved to travel and explore new places. He often found himself in Niagara Falls, Montreal and Little India with his friends and family. He loved to dress classy and had a special love for cars, bikes and designer watches.
Though many people attempt to live by the motto “Live, Love and Laugh”, Ian truly lived life to the fullest, loved the deepest and laughed the hardest.
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